In Flagranti - 'Headrush'(EP)

In Flagranti의 새 EP 'Headrush'가 8월말에 나왔었네요. Phantasy 유튜브 채널에 올라온 소개글이 이번 EP와 딱 맞는 표현이라 그대로 갖고 와봤습니다

This release features four cuts with only the dancefloor in mind, each track echoing the sexuality, style and darkness of the late night disco. Title track 'Headrush' melds clattering beats with ecstatic sighs and strutting synth stabs to set the pulse racing, while 'Locker Keys For Tops' and 'Toiletries For Bottoms' are sister slices of sleazy tropical house. The sassy 'Dope As Shit' completes the EP, and more than lives up to its title.

At the forefront of everything is the duo's provocative sense of humour, from the knowing wink of their track names to the retro cut and paste collage of both their cover art and their masterful edits which have ensured them a permanent spot in the hearts and record boxes (and USB sticks) of today's leading music makers.

1. Headrush

2. Locker keys for tops

3. Toiletries for bottoms

4.Dope as shit

Creative Commons License

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